McGuire Air Force Base
VEETech, P.C. performed the design of a stream channel repair at McGuire Air Force Base (AFB) and obtained all of the state, local, and federal permits required for the project. The project involved maintenance and repair of a concrete trapezoidal stream channel 442 feet in length. The sides of the concrete channel were broken and in disrepair. The bottom of the channel is 50 feet wide and the side slopes are 20 feet high at a 3:1 slope.
VEETech performed geotechnical drilling, stability analysis, detailed hydraulic modeling of flow and bed stress in the channel for seven (7) design flows, and rip rap design for the channel side slopes.
Geotechnical Drilling
VEETech performed geotechnical drilling of six (6) soil borings, 20 feet deep. Geotechnical samples were collected and tested. The results of the laboratory tests and the soil boring observations were used as the basis for a slope stability analysis.
Slope Stability Analysis
VEETech performed a slope stability analysis to determine that the channel slope was sufficiently stable to support a rip rap side slope.
VEETech performed detailed hydraulic modeling of stormwater flow through the stream channel. The watershed catchment area (two square miles) was delineated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The peak stormwater runoff rate in the stream channel was calculated for seven (7) design storm events from 1-year to 100-years return interval using the TR-55 computer program.