
VEETech assists their clients by providing a variety of investigation services to help minimize the environmental risk associated with owning property. These services include:



One of the most common investigations required is a Phase I - ESA (Environmental Site Assessment). The purpose of an ESA is to review the past and present land usage, site conditions and site operations and to evaluate potential areas of concern for environmental responsibility and public health and safety.


With VEETech, P.C., a Phase I - ESA is done in accordance with ASTME 1527-05 & 40CFR312 and consists of the following:
A visual inspection of the subject property and contiguous properties by a qualified individual to identify areas of concern and/or potential problems concerning the storage, handling, and disposal of hazardous substances.
A review of historic public and private database listings to determine the historic uses of a property and the likelihood that current or former uses of the property may have impacted the subject property.
A review of local and regional geological parameters to provide clues regarding expected ambient conditions on a property.
Insightful, straightforward recommendations and a concluding statement regarding recognized Environmental Conditions and possibly recommending additional site investigation.
