Dare County
VEETech was responsible for the complete architectural, structural and civil design and obtaining the required permits for the Dare County Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Transfer Station located near U.S. Highway 264 in Dare County, North Carolina. Phase I involved the design of an extension road from U.S. Highway 264 to the transfer station location with a canal crossing constructed using 90” diameter culvert, two Carlton scales, and a guard house. Phase II involved design of a 14,000 sf MSW Transfer Station. The transfer station building is a prefabricated building consisting of a tipping area, office building, and MSW transfer facilities including accommodation for a future MSW compactor. Also included in the design are: a chain link fence, erosion control facilities, a leachate collection system, water storage tank and distribution system, storm drainage, and sanitary waste facilities. The facility is designed to handle both MSW and crushed construction debris (C/D) wastes. VEETech developed construction drawings, specifications, bid packages, engineering cost estimates, and performed bid evaluation, contractor selection, and shop drawing reviews. VEETech also provided engineering support during construction and construction management services.